Sherman's March.
Ross McElwee's single-man operation documentary camera setup -- funded by a grant to make a documentary about sherman's march to the
sea (where sherman killed innocent civilian populations (Atlanta to Savannah GA) in taking the south, influencing the storming-living off-the-enemy-land-blitzkreig tactics later used by hitler in WWII); instead of this project the guy goes around sort of trying to pick up women, being
obsessed with girls that don't really want him, talking about his parents' pressure for him to get married to a hot southern belle (they try to set him up), some dark shit about nuclear war. 1980s southern culture. insomnia, 6AM talking to the camera drinking bourbon. he's kind of a lonely depressed bearded dude, sympathetic. shows you you don't need any expensive equipment to tell a good story. too long, could have been cut down to 2 hours (it's almost 3), loses pace and mission by 1-1:30 as time elapses during the telling of his story (he has to work as a film editor to make money to continue the project which he then returns to subsequently). sort of like an impromptu movie, lot of skill in the editing room, knows when to break, when to flow, what mistakes to leave in, cutting usually on the right beats, good transitions, fun natural audio track.