Sitting here in the car line
Sitting here in the car line I contemplate the drops of rain coming down my windshield, the car is on in front of me, taillights red, the flickering light of a windshield wiper crossing my view. The cars are lined up 60 deep waiting for their children. SUVs And Subaru wagons and every car you can imagine. Children run out in the rain. Cars zip pass. The sky is gray and I just had a cup of coffee. A Monday afternoon in Durham. I think about this precious resource being burned in all these cars as they idle waiting their turn. A car that has been loaded with child wants to make a left-hand turn but there’s no room. The snake of cars is blocking it until the chain opens up, it’ll have to wait there. The line is getting into its own way, ouroboros style. And so we idle and wait.